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Requirements for properties of plastic granulation

Author:本站 Source:本站 Time:2021/4/15 7:54:25 frequency:

We know that with the improvement of living conditions, we gradually have more requirements for the use of many items in our life or production work. For example, for our common plastic production, not only the requirements for technology, but also the requirements for performance. What are the performance requirements of our current Laizhou Goldman Sachs hardware and Plastic Co., Ltd. in the production process?

First of all, we need to know that the application range of plastics is very wide, so it can be applied to various fields and environments. Therefore, the performance of products should be able to have different requirements according to different use conditions and different environmental differences.

For our production, we must be able to design well before, and have a better understanding of the environment and conditions, so as to improve the performance of the product. For example, there will be different requirements in hardness, toughness and corrosion resistance.

Recycled plastic, plastic particles, PE plastic, pipe material, pipe particles, PE pipe, HDPE plastic pipe