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Plastic industry has turned on warning light

Author:本站 Source:本站 Time:2021/4/14 7:49:34 frequency:

2012 is destined to be a difficult year for China's plastics industry.

Data show that the status of the plastic industry is not optimistic. The prices of most general plastic products fell year-on-year, with LDPE, PVC and PP falling by about 10%, and LDPE, the biggest one, fell by 17.48% year-on-year. Compared with the same period last year, the price levels of HDPE and PS, which are relatively optimistic, have not changed significantly, with a small increase of 1.66% in HDPE.

The current market situation of plastics industry can be described as "not hot at home, not prosperous abroad".

After the financial crisis in 2008, the economic recovery of developed countries in Europe and the United States is slow, resulting in the shrinkage of export orders. Coupled with the frequent debt crisis in Europe and the United States in 2011, the global economy continues to be in the doldrums. In such an environment, the external demand for plastic products has been weak for a long time, and the market has been greatly affected“ At present, the plastics industry is facing the situation that the domestic market is not hot and the foreign market is not prosperous. In the final analysis, it is related to the over dependence on exports of domestic plastics industry and the small capacity of domestic plastics market. " Li Jianan, a research fellow of CIC consulting chemical industry, said in an interview with China national economic news.

In 2012, China's economic growth began to slow down, which made the whole market demand weak, which also led to the depression of the plastic industry to a certain extent. Li Jianan analysis: "affected by the rise of international crude oil prices, domestic oil product prices continue to rise, and the cost of plastic industry rises. At the same time, affected by the real estate market regulation policies and other factors, the downstream market of plastic products is weak, resulting in high market prices and a significant reduction in the phenomenon of centralized procurement. "

Under the double pressure at home and abroad, after experiencing the rapid growth in 2011, the plastic industry in 2012 is likely to go through a road full of thorns. More pessimists believe that the performance of the plastic industry will decline significantly. In this regard, Li Jianan holds the opposite attitude: "in 2012, due to the introduction of affordable housing in various parts of the country, the downstream demand of the plastic industry will pick up. In addition, the national policy of continuing to promote low-carbon, environmental protection, green and energy-saving products is conducive to the healthy development of the plastic industry. Therefore, the future of plastic industry is still good. The specific prospect of the industry depends on the role of the four factors: real estate control policy, national macroeconomic growth, industrial structure adjustment and domestic and foreign plastic market demand. The plastics industry has encountered internal and external attacks, but there is no way out. On the one hand, it can be interpreted from the perspective of policy and seek support from the government; On the other hand, we can seek a breakthrough from the plastics market segment to solve the current dilemma. "

When the industry encounters crisis, the enterprise will suffer. At present, the domestic small and medium-sized plastic industry has the situation of high cost and low gross profit rate.

In 2012, the plastic industry is indeed a severe test, how to survive the crisis has become a domestic large and small plastic enterprises will face the problem. First of all, domestic large and small plastic enterprises with high cost operation may be insolvent and face the risk of bankruptcy. Secondly, the pace of merger and reorganization of domestic large and small plastic enterprises has been accelerated, and the industrial concentration has been further enhanced. In this regard, Li Jianan suggested: "from the perspective of the industry, we should change the single export mode, which is conducive to promoting the sustainable growth of the plastic industry; We should also further shorten the market docking distance of environmental protection and energy-saving products, which is conducive to market expansion. Starting from the plastic enterprise itself, we can achieve profit growth through technological innovation and improving the technical content of low value-added products; In addition, we should actively explore market channels and raise funds to enhance the ability of plastic enterprises to resist risks. "